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papers and stuff

November 2.

Lately I have had plenty of time to surf through various web sites concerned with the OWS campouts. It has been facinating to read the non-coverage in the Washington Post, and the cheerleading on Truthout, Alternet, and Counterpunch. All this time at...

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Social networks

I have been renviewing the literature and surfing the internet looking at social network analysis. Social network analysis unlike some other social science methods examines structures of relationships rather than attributes of entities. Starting with...

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very happy

I have been enjoying watching the occupy wall street moment develop. It has been ten years since the big summit convergences and the comming together of youth and unions in a common space of resistance. That all ended on September 11, replaced by a mostly...

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Regionalism, Go Go and the DMV

Regionalism, Go Go and the DMV

Ultimately, the meaning of place is fixed through a social imaginary, or an iconic image. An "urban imaginary" is the way we mentally map out our urban "realities" and how we "think about, experience, evaluate, and decide to act in the places, spaces,...

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Orientalism revisited

I read the Senate Foreign Relations Committee report "Another U.S. Deficit:-- China and America –Public Diplomacy in the Age of the Internet" today. What an amazing document, it reads like a laundry list of distortions and misrepresentations. Individual...

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Happy mid-autumn festival...after the fact

Happy mid-autumn festival...after the fact

I had a great holiday weekend, three days of relaxation and reading. I spent Saturday with friends eating wonderful Wuhanese food then two days of sleeping, reading and listening on online broadcasts about 9-11 commemorations on Pacifica. I was particularly...

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Source Code

I went last night with friends to see source code, a new American sci fi movie showing in Wuhan. Sicifi films are often parables about complex social issues that cannot be addressed head on. This film was no exception, hard to miss the references in this...

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Storms and Earthquakes

Storms and Earthquakes

This summer has been odd. For the entire season when people were enjoying some down time and hitting the beach with their families, the US government was in a restructuring generated crisis over the debt. When the dust settled, what remains of the New...

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